Sketch by Al Morales

101 things I learned in school leadership school

The year after earning my doctorate in educational and organizational leadership, I was fired up to share some of what I had learned, especially with school leaders who didn’t have the time or money to complete an executive doctoral program. I also wanted to crystallize some of the thinking I’d been doing about teaching, learning, and leading more generally.

Impressed by the example of books like 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, with concise explications of key concepts, I decided to write a series of blog posts I called “Ed Lead 101”—not a lot catchier, I grant you, than 101 Things I Learned in School Leadership School! Here’s a selection of posts from that series written in 2015-2016.

Peter Horn Peter Horn

Display data with integrity.

Just because data is so common in education does not mean that it is routinely well handled. Sometimes data is suspiciously derived, sometimes it does not reflect what it purports to, and often it is poorly presented. 

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Peter Horn Peter Horn

Become a great coach.

To cultivate teacher-leadership, coaching is essential. Unfortunately, we often approach it exactly backwards. 

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